GATES HALL — After an increasing number of students confused by the process of unsubscribing to an e-list, the Department of Computer Science faculty have announced plans to offer CS 0900: Leaving Listservs in the Digital Age.
“More and more students of the Cornell community are beginning to realize that part of having a fulfilling college experience is to not get bombarded with emails,” said Professor Kitteridge Logan, who will teach the course on how one requests to be removed from a database of email addresses. “In the meantime, we hope that our students will be more wary of the kind of persistently irritating digital communities they choose to engage with.”
“I finally feel like we’re going to learn something practical, something we can actually use in real life,” commented bioengineering major Miles DeLuca ’18, excited not to have to forward emails from the Table Tennis Club to his spam folder any longer.
Professor Kitteridge Logan has also shown excitement for his new course. “The field is changing and developing at a faster rate than we can ever hope to keep up with. By the time the course is done, everything they’d have learned could be completely obsolete. But the field is just too exciting to ignore.”
Professor Logan will also be instructing CS 0901: How to Not Fuck Up Pre-Enroll in Fall in the summer.
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