MADISON, WI—After emptying her closets and pulling out suitcases in preparation for move-in day, incoming freshman Becca Miller laid out outfits on her bed for every day of her first year at Cornell.
“I know I’ll have so many other things on my mind, like moving into my dorm, figuring out where my classes are, making friends, going to parties, studying for finals,” explained the meticulous new student. “I want to have what I’m wearing all squared away so I won’t have to worry about looking good.”
Since her acceptance, Miller has collected Google images of Cornell students doing Cornell things for her Pinterest board, which has served as wardrobe inspiration for her big year.
“It looks like I’ll need dark leggings, a black Northface jacket, and big snow boots to wear with my mini dress during winter formal season— I don’t want to look weird or anything!” chirped the student excitedly as she chucked each essential item into her luggage.
Upon noticing that everyone’s outfit-of-choice on Slope Day is scratchy cotton tank tops with unrelatable designs, Miller proudly added her 2007 sleep away camp T-shirt to the pile.
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