Report: 80% of Football Fans No Longer Committed to Weekly Google Search of Game Results

COLLEGETOWN — Following Cornell’s loss to Dartmouth, ending their streak as the top Ivy League football team, fans no longer feel committed to their weekly Google search to check the game results.

“I got a whole lot more involved in the football scene this semester than I have in past seasons,” said Amy Nodir ‘18, “but now that we’re no longer on top, I don’t feel the need to take twenty seconds to check the scores on my phone every Saturday.”

Other students agreed that, while it was exciting to experience a small surge of school spirit for the brief moments between typing “Cornell football score” into the search bar and hitting enter, the loss to Dartmouth has been a wakeup call to use that time for something more productive.

“It’s not like I’ll forget about the team completely,” said Davis Coleville ‘19. “Every time I start typing something into Google that starts with ‘Cornell’, I’ll see that recommended search, and I’ll think, ‘Maybe next year,’ before I continue to search for something more important.”

While students have lowered their commitment to football, many agree that they will keep participating in campus sports by occasionally eavesdropping on conversations regarding the hockey team.

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