“Mark Robinson Was Busy,” Cornell Republicans Explain Decision to Invite Ben Shapiro to Campus

WHITE HALL—Facing backlash for inviting conservative pundit Ben Shapiro to campus, the Cornell Republicans have endeavored to set the record straight. Club President Justin Miller ‘26 explained this decision in a recent statement, writing: “Mark Robinson was busy.”

Ryan’s full statement intended to shed some light on the situation: “We understand some of the concern around inviting Ben Shapiro to come speak. The Cornell Republicans were looking forward to making history in welcoming the first Black Nazi to give a talk on campus, but unfortunately he was unable to make it. Our commitment to broadcasting different ideological perspectives remains unwavering.”

Invited in part to speak freely about the lack of free speech on college campuses, Robinson leaves Shapiro with some big shoes to fill. Many Cornell students have developed a certain high standard for the speakers the Cornell Republicans bring to campus. Just last year, they were able to swing the acclaimed Sharknado 3 actress Ann Coulter. 

Some students spoke out in support of Shapiro’s event. Clara Rodriguez ‘27 remarked: “It’s really important that we don’t censor people on the basis of what they say, do, and believe. Are we really going to cancel someone just because their spoken word rendition of WAP was not up to par?”

For all their talk of commitment to diversity of thought, though, the Cornell Republicans have yet to invite an individual without a “homophobia” tab on their Wikipedia page.

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