Local Weather Gold Mine For Small Talk

LIBE CAFE– Over the past few weeks, the weather in the greater Ithaca area has been a viable conversation topic among otherwise socially awkward students. From multiple feet of snow to wind chills reaching negative thirty to recent swings into the 50’s, people across Cornell have been turning to the unpredictable climate as a way to survive awkward small talk.

“The weather has been a great conversation topic recently. Every time I see a girl I think is really cute, and usually don’t approach them because I have nothing to say, I turn to the weather,” Sophomore Carl Hayes explains while staring thoughtfully out a window. “Usually people see right through the classic weather line, but, because it’s been so bad the past few weeks, it’s been working great.”

Hayes isn’t the only one using this trick. Senior Derrick Nash told us that he even got one girl’s number. “I don’t regularly talk to girls, because they’re intimidating and scary. But the other day I was walking in Collegetown and turned to the person next to me and said, ‘This weather, am I right?’ The next thing I know we were drinking hot chocolate back at her apartment talking about climate change and its impact on the jet stream.”

Although sources tell us Nash didn’t seal the deal, at press time Nash had expressed interest in having even more in depth conversations about the weather.