Rivalry Between Student and Uma Thurman on Roommate’s Pulp Fiction Poster Intensifies

DONLON HALL—Rebecca Tinsley ‘24 knew things weren’t going to work out the moment she moved into her second floor Donlan double and saw her roommate had already hung a Pulp Fiction poster that would continue to haunt Tinsley throughout the semester.

“I walk in, and there she is, just smoking a cigarette, though my second cousin by marriage had just died from smoking-caused COPD 4 months prior,” said Tinsley, referring to the poster of the character Mia Wallace, played by Uma Thurman, smoking a cigarette on a bed, “I mean, cruel much?” 

The animosity only festered, Tinsley explained, as Uma refused to back down or lower her sultry, come-hither gaze. Not only did she feel terrorized by the gun perched by Uma’s hand, but the poster-star challenged Tinsley in her role as room 215’s resident fashionista. “That art hoe bitch with her trendy micro-bangs thinks she’s better than me,” said Tinsley.

While the rivalry has not yet come to physical violence, the tension has escalated to an aggressive staring contest that Tinsely, despite her corporeal disadvantage, swears she “will not back down from.”

By press time, Tinsley’s roommate’s amazon-purchased poster has not responded to a request for comment.