CU Nooz’s List of Best Places to Study

Now that prelim season is in full swing, students are scrambling to find the places to prepare on campus. CU Nooz has done the work for you and compiled a list of the best study areas so you can spend more of your time avoiding your work in other ways.

  • Study Biology in the quietest stacks you can find as a couple will eventually try to have sex in the stacks. Make sure to take copious notes.
  • Try to study in the open areas of libraries so you at least feel bad about watching Netflix for 2 hours.
  • The Engineering Library actually has no books, which means there’s plenty of space for you to curl into the fetal position on the empty shelves.
  • If you want to study at the Law Library, don’t forget to pick up the mandatory powdered wig and gavel before you enter.
  • If you want to study with a group, try going somewhere a little more social, like Dunbar’s.
  • Although the Kroch Library is usually crowded, the other students will give you a convenient front as you plan your elaborate heist from the Rare Books Vault.
  • Somebody has to step up and become the new Arts Quad Kid. Give it a shot and study on the corner of the Quad.
  • If you’re in Orgo, a good place to start studying is three weeks ago.