Cornell Transportation Services has announced that ခြ will be the symbol for the newest parking restrictions on campus.
“We felt that ခြ would be an excellent opportunity to provide more people the right to park on campus. If you see a parking zone with ခြ, it means you can park there between 2:00AM – 5:59AM on odd weeks of the month,” said Shirley Jones, Head of Transportation Services, proudly hammering the newest ခြ parking schedule into the ground.
“I’m really excited about this new permit. It’s perfect for my needs and I this it will be a great new addition to the already outstanding parking system on campus!” exclaimed Daခြre Meခြina ‘18 while signing onto the Cornell Transportation Website.
One tip Jones gave to remember the restriction was the mnemonic device, “ခြ stands for ခြathuyr, which means you can’t park there.”