Dad Seems to Think He and Your Roommate are “Good Pals”

CASCADILLA HALL—Amidst the fervent anticipation for the new semester, none were more excited this past move-in weekend than 62-year-old Brett Fauning. Sporting his famous “Cornell Dad” hat and sweater combo, Mr. Fauning was ecstatic to finally be spending some quality time with his son’s roommate.

“All last semester he was asking ‘How’s my buddy, Henry?’,” said Grant Fauning ‘26. “I mean, half our conversations are about my roommate. Just last week it went: ‘Did Henry make the hockey team?’ ‘How are Henry’s parents?’, and then finally ‘We’re turning your bedroom into a home-gym.’ Listen, I like Henry a lot, but my Dad spent 20 minutes with the guy five months ago and he’s this close to putting his picture in his wallet.”

Upon reuniting, the two friends quickly fell back into their usual routine as though no time had passed at all. After relearning that Henry lived in Virginia, Mr. Fauning deftly surmised that he must’ve had “quite the trip” coming back to campus. The pair discussed how snow was hard to drive through and that the weather in Ithaca was colder than the weather in Norfolk. Moving on to even deeper topics, Mr. Fauning remarked that Henry’s choice to major in business was “a smart one,” and that he had “a good head on his shoulders.”

“Oh, Henry? Good kid,” said Mr. Fauning. “I was just telling Grant that we oughta go down and visit Henry in Maryland sometime, make it a family vacation.”

Mr. Fauning is also looking forward to moving his daughter into Middlebury next weekend and catching up with her two roommates, “the one with the hair,” and “Violet or Vivian or something.”