According to Brad Holder, the head of New Member Recruitment within the national office of Phi Sigma Sigma, Caroline Fisher ‘16 actually did receive the “best little ever,” like ever. CU Nooz spoke to Holder about the little in question, Sophie Goodman ‘17. “While most of the little facebook names are often slight exaggerations, the title mylittlesophie deservesaprettytrophy is actually correct.
We’ve received numerous reports that anyone who meets Sophie really does believe she deserves an award for her beauty,” said Holder. CU Nooz was able to catch up with Fisher, Sophie’s lucky big, to find out more about what makes Sophie the “best”. “Sophie is the best for so many reasons. For starters we have so much in common–we both love chocolate, Instagram, and The Bachelor. The ‘lin’ is so excited to have her.
It is as if our family has been completed.” At press time, Holder reported that not only is Goodman the best little ever, but her addition to ‘the lin’ may actually make the lineage objectively the best ever as well.