Party On Lockdown After Pong Ball Makes A Break For It

COLLEGETOWN – Putting the entire dance floor on red alert, a Collegetown party went on lockdown last night after the ball from the beer pong game attempted to make a break for it.

“The hosts have the situation under control and are confident they will recover the escaped pong ball shortly,” said partygoer Michael Marks ‘18 after establishing a perimeter patrol around the table in case any other balls tried to bust out.

“More than anything we want to avoid anyone stepping on the ball in an act of vigilante justice and aim to return it back to the water cup unharmed. After that, we will need to reconsider our confidence in the lackluster pong team whose poor oversight let things get this out of hand.”

The ball was last seen underneath the radiator before slipping past a unit of clumsy fingers to evade capture.