These frat doormen are on a serious power trip. For my three years at Cornell, I’ve been sold the lie that if I can name enough people at a fraternity’s front door, then they’ll let me into their party. Well, this Halloween I was still denied entry even though I can name Dahmer, Bundy, and all 45 of their victims. Every. Single. One.
Please, enlighten me. Because I bet you I can name more people than everyone in that party. I can name Sarah, for instance, who disappeared from her family shortly after her 20th birthday, or Johnny, whose remains were found just outside of his childhood home, accompanied by a note written in his blood.
I can name about five men, all of whom were killed by Dahmer due to his strategic targeting of Black gay males, likely because he knew their lives were of less value to the police. How’s that for naming a “brother?”
What is it that these guys really want? I told them all about how Dahmer meticulously dismembered his victims as if fileting a fish so that the body parts were manageable enough to dispose of – something he did to Justin, Marcus, and George – and they still didn’t let me in. It seems like the standard for entry may not be the same for everyone…
Is it that I’m too short? Is it that I didn’t have enough girls with me hanging from my arms? Is it that I misspoke when I said that Bundy typically used lead pipes to bludgeon his victims because he liked the noise it made, plus, it’s much more effective than something like, say, a shovel or baseball bat, when, in fact, he was known to use all three?
Clearly there’s more to this than just “who you know”.