SKYBRIDGE: Residents of Court, Kay, Bauer, and Mews Halls announced this morning plans for a charity carwash to raise money for residents of the High and Low Rise residence halls.
“We are all Cornellians. To see members of our family suffering in the slums of North Campus is heartbreaking. Now it’s our time to show our support for the community- and have fun doing it,” stated Mews Residence Hall Director Jeannine Crouse Hagadorn, backed by CKB Residence Hall Director Imani Allen and the Hall Councils of both new, clean state-of-the-art building complexes.
Crouse Hagadorn claims that the money raised from the carwash will be used to make “positive, cheerful greeting cards” to send to the suffering residents, along with care packages and Cornell teddy bears “to keep hopes up” if the fundraising event is a huge success. “It would be really special if we could buy Low Rise #6 a Pool Table, even if it’s a mini one,” added Allen.
The carwash will be held during Parent’s Weekend along Rawlings Green. “This way,” claimed CKB Hall Council member Lindsey Barnes, “we can take advantage of the influx of cars on campus, and show our parents how we give back to the community.”
Barnes added that she was “on the verge of tears” when her friend from Low Rise #7 told her that the building’s indoor temperature was not constant throughout the day or seasons, and hopes this carwash will “really make a change in the lives of those less fortunate.”
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