ITHACA, NY — Unemployed recent graduate Ethan Joseph ‘14, best known as “the Arts Quad kid” for regularly sitting on the southwest corner of the Arts Quad in all weather, reading and smiling at passers-by, is reportedly considering returning to school and reading on one of the nation’s law school quads.
“I guess my time at Cornell, immersing myself in contemporary fiction while enjoying some quality people-watching, didn’t adequately prepare me the way I hoped it would,” said the barefoot, shorts-clad nature-lover.
“My parents have been pushing me to read on a law school quad for years, and it does seem like a good option at this point. Though I’ve heard if you can’t read on one of the top 10 law school quads, it’s not even worth going.”
Joseph went on to note that even though he didn’t have plans to read in any parks outside law firms, he thought reading on a law school quad would be “an enriching academic experience.”
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