Libe Cafe Haunted House Includes Freshman Orientation Group Asking to Hang Out Sometime

LIBE CAFE, ITHACA, NY— Enrique Gomez ‘19 found himself gripped by the spirit of Halloween when a harmless Libe cafe study break brought him face to face with everyone he stopped talking to the second day of freshman year.

“Most of the Halloween tchotchke doesn’t faze me all that much… Rubber spiders, perhaps a poorly-assembled spooky lawn art decoration,” said Gomez. “But running right into all eight members of my OL group, so intent on grabbing lunch next week—I’ve never seen anything so horrifying!”

Young Ja Kim ‘20, an onlooker to the incident, said Gomez wasn’t expecting Libe cafe to be representing Halloween so well. “They extended their hands to him, inviting him to join their table, and he looked like he was about to faint. They were all trying to bring back their first Cornell GroupMe.”

“One of them said we should hang out sometime,” continued Gomez. “But then they actually followed up! They asked me what days I was free, whether we should call in our Orientation Leader, and I knew I needed to get out of there. They even sent me a Google Calendar invite!”

After throwing away his phone to avoid the incessant GroupMe messages, Gomez suffered a similar episode Thursday evening upon being followed by the only person he remembers from CUOnTheHill.

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