ROBERT PURCELL MARKETPLACE EATERY – Following a wonderful, chemistry-filled conversation over Mongolian stir-fry and chicken bacon ranch pizza, the mood between Lance Becker ‘20 and Sarah Burr ‘20 was reportedly killed Tuesday night when the guy behind the pasta counter reminded them the dining hall would be closing at 9:00 p.m.
“Everything was going well until we were rudely interrupted. The lights weren’t too bright or too dim, the line for roast beef sushi was only five people long, and Lance was everything I imagined a man who takes me to a suave place like RPCC could be,” said Burr, who believed she never saw love until Becker volunteered a guest swipe to pay for her meal.
“We have standards at this fine establishment that is the Robert Purcell Marketplace Eatery. If I didn’t tell the two to leave, then all of the lovers on the Bear Traditional dining plan would talk late into the night, hours after closing,” said a student employee, jealous after her bad date Thursday at Appel.
Even after the disappointing end to their evening, Burr is reportedly considering asking Becker to join her next week at some place nicer, like Cook House on West Campus.
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