Professor Encourages Students to Ask Questions He Already Knows How to Answer

ROCKEFELLER HALL—During his Intermediate Quantum Mechanics lecture, Professor Zhao urged his students not to hold back and to ask questions about anything they’re unsure about, unless, of course, he can’t answer the question himself.

“Come on, guys,” Zhao said, finishing an illegible problem on the board, “You can ask me any question you can think of that pertains to my research, but if it’s anything else then you should check the syllabus or Google it.”

Remarking on the poor grades on the latest exam, Zhao begged students to speak up, but if their confusion was in going from step three to step four in the quantum entanglement proof then they should “ask the graduate TAs who understand those complicated formulas.”

After having his say on class participation, Zhao told the class he’d have to answer their questions next week since they were already behind.

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